
Participations in International Organizations

IGI Poseidon S.A.

IGI Poseidon S.A. was incorporated 2008. The company is a 50-50% JV between DEPA and Edison Spa.

IGI Poseidon S.A. is responsible for the design, construction and operation of the offshore Interconnector Greece-Italy (IGI Poseidon) as well as the Interconnector Eastern Mediterranean Pipeline (East Med).

The company also participates as a 50% shareholder in Interconnector Greece – Bulgaria (IGB) project – see relevant section.

Official Website:


Interconnector Greece – Bulgaria AD (ICGB AD) was incorporated in January 2011. The company is a 50-50% JV between Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) and the Greek IGI Poseidon S.A.. DEPA and Edison Spa each hold 50% stake in the IGI Poseidon S.A.

ICGB AD is responsible to design and construct the new Interconnector between Greece and Bulgaria (IGB), giving Bulgaria and other Southeastern Europe countries access to new sources of gas supply. The Interconnector IGB is being developed to connect the Greek National Natural Gas System (NNGS) in Komotini (Greece) with the corresponding Bulgarian System in Stara Zagora (Bulgaria).

Based on the current timetable, the commencement of construction is scheduled for the second half of 2016, while IGB is scheduled to begin operation in the second half of 2018. Regarding the state of play, Final Investment Decision was taken on 10 December 2015.

Official Website: